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Description Identifier Count

should not error if not given a config


should return an object


should default config.limit to null


should default config.incrementInterval to null


should default config.increment to null


should create tokenBuckets


should return an object


should assign given incrementInterval to config.limit


should assign given incrementInterval to config.incrementInterval


should assign given incrementInterval to config.increment


should create tokenBuckets


should call destroy() on each key in tokenBuckets


should null out the objects


should call TokenBucket if the key is new


should not call TokenBucket if the key already exists


should call decrementTokens on TokenBucket instance


should call decrementTokens with an amount if given one


should error if nothing is given


should not error on valid key


should error on int


should error on function


should error on object


should clean up tokenBuckets every incrementInterval


should not clean up tokenBuckets that are active


should call TokenBucket if the key is new


should not call TokenBucket if the key already exists


should call getTokensRemaining on TokenBucket instance


should error if no key is given


should do nothing if a key is given


should error on int


should error on function


should error on object


should not error if not given a config


should return an object


should create maxLimit


should create limit


should create a increment


should set up an interval calling _incrementTokens


should return an object


should create maxLimit


should create limit


should create a increment


should set up an interval calling _incrementTokens


should clear the interval


should destroy the interval


should increment tokens if not at limit


should not increment tokens past limit


should not increment tokens past limit by addition


should gain config.increment tokens at the end of the config.incrementInterval


should decrement tokens when enough tokens are available


should throw error if tokens are less than the decrement amount


should take an amount and decrement that given amount of tokens


should return the tokens remaining
